How to set your nightly price

Check local demand and consider a promotion to attract your first guests.
By Airbnb on 14 Jul 2022
2 min read
Updated 12 May 2023

As a Host, you’re always in charge of your nightly price and you can change it at any time.

If you don’t have a starting price in mind, check the average prices of similar listings nearby in just a few steps:

  1. Select a date or date range on your calendar.

  2. Tap or click on your nightly price. A button directly below the price shows a map icon and the words 'compare similar listings'.

  3. Tap or click that button to pull up a map of average prices for listings similar to yours. On the map, you can opt to show the average prices of booked or unbooked listings in your area.

Keep in mind that the nightly price you set isn’t the total price a guest pays. To check their total price and get a full price breakdown:

  1. Select any number of nights on your calendar.

  2. Below your nightly price, you’ll find a 'guest total' button displaying the total price a guest would pay for that reservation.

  3. Tap or click that button to pull up a price breakdown, which lists your nightly price, fees, any discounts or promotions, taxes and your earnings.

If you’re a new Host with few reviews, you may want to start with a price that’s lower than your target price. The new listing promotion lets you offer 20% off to your first three guests to encourage bookings. Guests may be willing to pay more for a place to stay after it gets some great reviews.

Once you’ve published your listing, you’ll find all pricing tools in your calendar. From there, you can adjust your pricing for specific dates, consider discounts and promotions and more.

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.

14 Jul 2022
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