Try our pricing tools

Control your price using discounts, promotions and custom pricing.
By Airbnb on 9 Jan 2025
3 min read
Updated 9 Jan 2025
Try our pricing tools
Using your calendar
Try our pricing tools

Airbnb pricing tools make it easy for you to adjust your price. You’ll find them in your calendar.

Pricing tools and availability settings often work together. If you want to use certain tools, like offering monthly discounts, you may have to change your availability, like allowing longer stays.

Adjusting your price

Reviewing and adjusting your price regularly can help you meet your earnings goals.

You can edit your base price anytime in your listing’s calendar. When you tap the number to change it, you'll see both the guest price before taxes and what you earn after the host service fee.

You have two other ways to fine-tune your base price.

  • Custom weekend price: You have the option to add a different price for Friday and Saturday nights. Varying your price based on the night can help maximise bookings.
  • Smart Pricing: Turn on this tool anytime to automatically adjust your price based on local demand. It uses hundreds of factors about your listing, your area and guest behaviour. You can also set your minimum and maximum nightly prices.

Offering discounts and promotions

Taking a percentage off your base price for certain types of bookings is another way to attract guests. There are four discounts available in your listing’s calendar.

  • Weekly: Discounts for stays that are seven nights or longer can help improve your search ranking, fill gaps in your calendar and reduce turnovers. Guests see a special callout for weekly discounts of 10% or more. Your discounted price appears next to your original one, which is crossed out.
  • Monthly: You can also offer a discount for stays that are 28 nights or longer. This can extend the average length of stays across your listings and reduce turnovers. Guests see the same special callout for monthly discounts of 10% or more.
  • Early-bird: Discounts for bookings made 1 to 24 months before check-in can help you appeal to guests who plan ahead. For early-bird discounts of 3% or more, guests see a special callout in search results and on your listing page.
  • Last-minute: Discounts for bookings made 1 to 28 days before check-in can help fill your calendar and boost your earnings. For discounts of 10% or more off your 60-day median price, guests see a special callout in search results and on your listing page.

Setting short-term discounts can help you get more bookings without changing your base price. Depending on your eligibility, you may see up to two types of promotions.

  • New listing promotion: Offer 20% off your next three bookings of a new listing to help you get your first guests and reviews.
  • Custom promotion: Choose your dates and the discount you’d like to offer. Some requirements apply, including that your listing must have at least three bookings, with at least one in the past year, and the dates you select need to have been available for at least 28 days. Guests see a special callout in search results and on your listing page when you offer a discount of 15% or more.

Adding optional fees

You can add three types of fees to your price. Remember that fees raise your total price and can discourage guests from booking—and decrease your earnings.

  • Cleaning fee: This is a one-time fee that raises the total price of a stay and appears as a separate charge at checkout. You have the option to set a lower cleaning fee for stays that are one to two nights.
  • Pet fee: You have the option to charge this fee per pet, per night or per stay. You can’t charge a guest a pet fee for a service animal, and guests are not required to disclose the presence of a service animal before booking. Learn more about Airbnb’s Accessibility Policy.
  • Extra guest fee: You can charge a nightly fee for each guest above a certain number. For example, you might let six guests stay at your nightly price, but charge an extra $10 per night for each additional guest up to your guest maximum.

You control your pricing and other settings at all times. Your results may vary.

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.

Try our pricing tools
Using your calendar
Try our pricing tools
9 Jan 2025
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